restore Apple mail

Quick Methods to restore Apple Mails

I would start by discussing a little about manual methods. Although these are not the quickest, these are quite popular. You can always use manual methods or Time Machine in particular or import Apple mail backups. But certain problems are faced as backup files are generally larger. Restoring these can lead to data loss to some extent. Most common loss is that of double byte characters, metadata, and folders other than mails. Corruption of files can be there too. This does not happen every time but it can happen so there is always this risk which one would want to avoid at all costs.

You can restore Apple mail with tools

Now, tools or software applications can be either free tools or professional tools. Now you must be wondering why one would choose a paid professional tool when free tools are available. This is because while free tools have no upfront charges, they do have maintenance costs which are not revealed to the users. Additional plugins, updating the systems may be required with such tools. On the other hand, with professional restore Apple email tools, such issues are not there. One time clear costs are known to the users and everything is transparent.

Most importantly, professional tools are built keeping in mind the users’ needs and safety required for data and devices. Free tools are usually available to test a particular feature or a function where users are a part of an experiment most of the time. So, with free tools users can end up with data loss/compromise issues or with infected devices or compromised servers.

How to restore Apple email safely and economically with a professional tool?

It is a task for users to figure out on their own which professional tool will be most suitable for them and will be within their budgets without any compromise on efficiency. This is why there is some help in the form of a tool which has been proven to be best for novices as well as trained and experienced users. Mail backup X is a really great application to backup and restore emails for a number of mail services like Apple mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows mail, IMAP services, etc. It can run on Windows OS too so you get to have double benefits with this tool which has a buttery interface and wizard based simple steps.

Some benefits of using this tool

Considering that this tool provides one with the best of what a professional tool can offer, here are some benefits of using it

  • Twin compatibility, as already mentioned, for Mac and Windows OS allowing users to reap benefits on both these major operating systems
  • Backup and restore of all major mail services along with the option to import backups to a different email


  • Easy steps to migrate emails data to any major format like .olm, .pst, rge, mbox, and many others
  • Data compression during backup helps with quicker storage, quicker recovery, and better space usage
  • Option for different types of backups like full, incremental, and selective backups.

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